NISM V-A Mock Test 1

NISM V-A Mock Test 1

NISM V-A (Mutual Fund Distributor Module) Exam | Mock Test 1

1 / 50

If the NAV of an open-ended fund was Rs.16 at the beginning of the year and Rs.22 after 13 months, the annualised change in NAV is

2 / 50

The NAV of each scheme should be updated on AMFI's Website

3 / 50

The Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio is an important
measure of a company's anticipated
performance. It is calculated using:

4 / 50

Of the following fund types the highest risk is associated with

5 / 50

The day on which NAV is calculated by a fund is known as

6 / 50

The sponsor of a mutual fund may be
compared to 

7 / 50

A fixed term plan series is

8 / 50

A funds NAV is affected by

9 / 50

The additional yield required to account for the risk of default by the borrower is known as 

10 / 50

Commercial Paper is issued by Corporate bodies

11 / 50

Debt securities bought at a discount to their face value are generally

12 / 50

An Open-ended mutual fund is one that has:

13 / 50

A company whose earnings are strongly related to the state of economy is known as

14 / 50

It may not be possible to reinvest interest received at the same rate as principal. This is known as

15 / 50

A close-ended mutual fund has a fixed:

16 / 50

The most suitable measure of fund performance for all fund types is

17 / 50

Shares of companies with large capital market

18 / 50

If 10-year government securities Neil 10% and a 10-Year fixed deposit in a company yields 12%, the yield spread is

19 / 50

The custodian of a mutual fund: 

20 / 50

When computing NAV of fund SEBI requires
accrual of major expenses to be accounted

21 / 50

In the wholesale debt market, the largest proportion of trading is seen in

22 / 50

The trust that manages a mutual fund is
appointed by 

23 / 50

The AMC of a mutual fund cannot 

24 / 50

NAVs of equity funds are not affected by

25 / 50

Are Mutual Fund agents/distributors in India
required to pass any examination to qualify to sell
Mutual Fund Units

26 / 50

The investment policies listed out in the offer
document of a fund do not include

27 / 50

An investor in a closed-ended mutual fund can get his/her money back by selling his/her units

28 / 50

After dividend declaration, unit-holders are
entitled to receive dividend within

29 / 50

The highest authority among the following is

30 / 50

The offer document is not a legal document 

31 / 50

The following need not be covered in a Key Information Memorandum

32 / 50

Units from an open-ended mutual fund are bought

33 / 50

A Gilt Fund is a special type of fund that invests

34 / 50

A better performance than the return on index
is given by 

35 / 50

Technical analysis guides the decision on 

36 / 50

Market capitalisation of a company is
calculated by multiplying the number of
outstanding shares by

37 / 50

Distribution and sales practices are only partly regulated by SEBI at present 

38 / 50

A compliance officer

39 / 50

The greatest potential for growth in capital is offered by

40 / 50

'Key Information Memorandum' is

41 / 50

An offer document contains an AMC's
investor grievance's history for the past

42 / 50

The entity that SEBI does not regulate is

43 / 50

A high turnover rate for a fund indicates 

44 / 50

A call provision in a debt issue allows the issuer to

45 / 50

Equity derivative instruments are

46 / 50

Issuing and redeeming units of a mutual
fund is the role

47 / 50

The amount to buy 100 units of a scheme having a entry load of 1.5% and NAV of Rs. 20 each:

48 / 50

A put provision in a debt issue allows

49 / 50

A mutual fund owned by 

50 / 50

The maximum load that a fund can charges determined by the

Your score is

The average score is 61%


This mock test will help you familiarize yourself with the exam format, assess your knowledge, and identify areas that may need further study.

Remember that while mock tests can benefit practice, it’s important to understand the concepts and principles behind each question thoroughly.

Good luck with your preparation for the NISM Series V-A exam!NISM Exam
Mock Test 1  |  Mock Test 2  |  Mock Test 3  |  Mock Test 4  |  Mock Test 5  |  Mock Test 6  |  Mock Test 7  |  Mock Test 8  |  Mock Test 9  |  Mock Test 10

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